Santa Maria del Mexicano is a Catholic institution
that serves the youth & elderly of Mexico.


In 1975, Father Anthony Norman founded Santa Maria del Mexicano to serve the youth and elderly of Mexico. Since 2009, Santa Maria has been under the administration of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT).

Santa Maria offers spiritual, educational, moral, vocational, and human formation to the most needy youth and elderly of Mexico. We offer the person and saving message of Jesus in a family environment – a Catholic atmosphere which appreciates and develops the gifts of each person.

Through prayer, work, and education this nonprofit institution serves those who find themselves in need, in difficult life situations such as low income, difficult family situations, abuse, or neglect. Santa Maria works with families to provide the most integral and necessary care for each person. 

The institution consists of five separate houses in and surrounding the town of Colón in the Mexican state of Querétaro. It provides primary, secondary, and high school education to all of its youth.

  • San Jose: a home for boys in grades 1-6

  • Santa Maria, Casa de Muchachos: a home for adolescent boys in grades 7-12

  • Casa de Ninas: girls in grades 1-6

  • Casa de Jovenes (muchachas): a home for adolescent girls grades 7-12

  • Home for the elderly and also the administrative offices

Currently, including the youth and elderly, we serve 222 residents.